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Allocating and Freeing Relocatable Blocks

In the descriptions below, handleptr designates the address of the handle. All the functions are declared in `malloc.h'; all are GNU extensions.

Function: void * r_alloc (void **handleptr, size_t size)
This function allocates a relocatable block of size size. It stores the block's address in *handleptr and returns a non-null pointer to indicate success.

If r_alloc can't get the space needed, it stores a null pointer in *handleptr, and returns a null pointer.

Function: void r_alloc_free (void **handleptr)
This function is the way to free a relocatable block. It frees the block that *handleptr points to, and stores a null pointer in *handleptr to show it doesn't point to an allocated block any more.

Function: void * r_re_alloc (void **handleptr, size_t size)
The function r_re_alloc adjusts the size of the block that *handleptr points to, making it size bytes long. It stores the address of the resized block in *handleptr and returns a non-null pointer to indicate success.

If enough memory is not available, this function returns a null pointer and does not modify *handleptr.

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